National Post Homes Magazine
by Rebecca Vogt
Ready, Stage, Sell: Hiring a pro to primp your pad before it goes on the market could reap you thousands of dollars
“‘Every house has a soul’ says Staging Diva Debra Gould, a petite woman in hipster black with a shock of dark hair and an engaging smile. We’re chatting on the second floor of her airy home.
As president of Six Elements Inc., and the force behind Staging Diva, a six-year-old company, which as primped hundreds of homes variously priced from $190,000 to $1.7-million — in addition to seven of her own (she’s also taught home staging from Spain to New Zealand)— Ms. Gould knows what it takes to sell a house quickly and for a hefty sum. A good stager, she says, ‘will set the scene so that the highest number of potential buyers fall in love the the space.’ At her web site, StagingDiva.com, she offers information on services and products geared toward the home seller, before-and-after photos of past clients’ homes and even training for those interested in starting their own staging business— a field that’s been garnering more and more attention in the real estate industry.”. . .