Summary Home staging expert and Staging Diva, Debra Gould, is encouraging new and aspiring home stagers to step into their own power in 2011 by moving their businesses or plans to take staging training, forward. The Staging Diva Year End Sale is on now through December 31 with all home staging training products marked down […]
Summary Summary: Staging Diva, Debra Gould, has prepared a new free report to help home stagers deal with bed bugs. Staging Diva Helps Home Stagers Deal with the Bed Bug Epidemic (UNITED STATES) December 6, 2010 – With so many recent news headlines about bed bug infestations, The Staging Diva, Debra Gould, thought it necessary […]
According to Staging Diva, Debra Gould, there are several benefits to being a part-time home stager, the biggest being that they can easily book their appointments around other commitments in their lives. Part-time stagers can easily fit home staging consultations around times when they have childcare or on the weekends when they’re not working another […]
Summary Summary: Many home staging websites are ineffective because the person or persons who built them paid little attention to search engine optimization or the quality of the content. The Staging Diva®, Debra Gould, announces a new service for home stagers to help make their websites as effective as possible. Home Staging Website CheckUps now […]