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Summary Intrepid entrepreneur and home staging expert Debra Gould takes aim at website owners and bloggers who plagiarize content for use on their own sites. Entrepreneurs: Plagiarism Will Come Back to Bite You Entrepreneurs, if you’re building a website or writing a blog, you should know that it is NOT okay to copy another company’s […]


Entrepreneurs: Plagiarism Will Come Back to Bite You

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Summary Intrepid entrepreneur and home staging expert, Debra Gould, ponders a quote by Anais Nin and shares why it was worth it for her to take some risks to follow her dream of running a new type of business. Is pursuing your business dream worth taking some risks? “And the day came when the risk […]


Is pursuing your business dream worth taking some risks?

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Summary Business owners who feel intimidated by the thought of compiling a traditional “inch thick” marketing plan will finally be able to take action by following intrepid entrepreneur, Debra Gould’s, easy process for creating a one page marketing plan. Short Marketing Plan Helps Entrepreneurs Take Action It’s been said that “failing to plan is planning […]


Short Marketing Plan Helps Entrepreneurs Take Action

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Summary Intrepid Entrepreneur Debra Gould explains why entrepreneurship is a lot like parenting. Great highs, a lot of unglamorous and sometimes boring work, but hugely rewarding if you stick with it. Entrepreneurship is like Parenting: Nurture your business in good times and bad Your business was conceived the moment you had the idea that would […]


Entrepreneurship is like Parenting: Nurture Your Business

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