MoneySense Magazine, Nov. 2003 “Selling Up: A home stager can help you get top dollar” Written by Gabrielle Bauer Photograhy by Virginia MacDonald Excerpt from MoneySense Magazine: If you’re looking to score on the real estate market, your best investment may not be a house or condo, but an hour with Debra Gould. Through her […]
Summary Intrepid Entrepreneur Debra Gould explains why entrepreneurship is a lot like parenting. Great highs, a lot of unglamorous and sometimes boring work, but hugely rewarding if you stick with it. Entrepreneurship is like Parenting: Nurture your business in good times and bad Your business was conceived the moment you had the idea that would […]
Summary Many home stagers make the costly mistake of charging for their services by the square foot or a flat rate per room. Staging Diva® Debra Gould explains why structuring the pricing for a home staging business this way can quickly lead to bankruptcy. Why Charging a Flat Fee Can Flat-Line A Home Staging Business […]
Summary House hunting can often be a lot like “speed dating”. Your agent takes you to six or more houses in a single afternoon. Within minutes, you’ll reject most. Home Staging is all about creating the best first impression and paving the way for potential buyers to fall in love. House Hunting Can Resemble Speed […]